Jesus is the Good Shepherd going before His sheep, calling them to follow Him, and always leading them onward with the sweet word Come (John 10:11). The law repels, but the gospel attracts. The law shows the distance between God and man, but the gospel bridges that dreadful chasm and brings the sinner across it.~~Spurgeon
When a person is anxious, he cannot pray with faith or serve his Master. When you worry and fret about your situation and circumstances, you are meddling with Christ’s business and neglecting your own! You have been attempting to do the providing, forgetting that it is your duty to do the obeying. Be wise and attend to the obeying, and let Christ manage the providing.~~Spurgeon
An everlasting covenant means a covenant that had no beginning and will never ever end. How sweet amid all the uncertainties of life to know that the firm foundation of God stands (2 Timothy 2:19), and to have God’s own promise: My covenant I will not violate, nor will I alter the utterance of My lips (Psalm 89:34).~~Spurgeon